Spoonfuls of Sustainability

Our Saturday morning courses entitled A Spoonful of Sustainability was our first venture back after our Covid withdrawal from organising face to face events.

We went very local by inviting people from our own road, St. Brigid’s Rd and St. Brigid’s Estate to a 6 weeks course on how to be sustainable in a small garden. In fact the learning applied to gardens of any size.

‘It doesn’t take a lot to make a difference’ was a comment by Des, who facilitated the first five topics. Even in a small garden I can make a big difference. Dr. Anne Marie Mahon, local marine biologist facilitated the Wetlands session. We were lucky that we could be outdoors for all the mornings except on the last day when we had heavy rain – which happened to be the Wetlands session!

We limited the number to 10 participants, observed social distancing and wore masks. Each day began by gathering in a circle outdoors, leading a reflection on the topic for the day and placing it in the bigger context of our relationship with Planet Earth. We then moved around the garden to wherever the topics led us. There was a great blending of practice and theory. Some participants did not wait until Spring and were implementing some of their learnings as the course proceeded! We promised to continue to support them in Springtime and throughout the gardening season.

6 Saturday Workshops

  1. Compost

    Learn what compost is and how to create your own supply.

  2. Growing Your Own

    Find out how to grow your own organic vegetables – no matter how big or small your space – if only in window boxes or on walls.

  3. Rainwater

    Did you know that only 2% of Earth’s water is usable? Learn simple ways to harvest rainwater for your own garden.

  4. Wildflower Spaces and Pollinators

    Learn how you can create pollinator friendly spaces in your garden to give bees and insects healthy food and shelter.

  5. Native Planting

    Learn how native trees and hedges can be incorporated into your garden. The birds and bees will be happy and the hedgehogs too!

  6. Pondlife Get to know the benefits of a wet area in your garden or learn how to create a small wet area in your garden, providing a very important friendly habitat for numerous species.